Interest in holistic medicine has swept through the Western world, yet holistic practitioners are still an often stigmatized minority within the veterinary profession. What keeps them on the outside looking in, according to their critics, is a lack of evidence for their methods. In this context, evidence-based medicine (EBM) is becoming viewed as a political sword used to hamstring holistic practitioners, by denying CE credits, accreditation and recognition by regulatory bodies.
Is this perception of Evidence-based medicine accurate, however? Does holistic medicine lack an evidence base? Are the “anecdotal reports” of efficacy that each holistic practitioner has acquired meaningless in the pursuit of evidence-based practice? To begin to answer these questions, we have to start by defining what evidence-based medicine really is. Dr Marsden will discuss the dilemma faced by integrative veterinary practitioners in his usual thorough and scientific manner - a webinar vital to all those seeking more effective modalities to treat their patients.